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School District 91—all at your fingertips.



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Scholarship Info/FAFSA Night

Visit with scholarship representatives from local businesses and colleges. Monday, February 24th 6PM - 7:30 PM at the Idaho Falls High School Little Theater. Learn about scholarships, how to apply/prepate, and more!

One District One Book

We are thrilled to announce the launch of One District, One Book, a month-long event starting Feb 3rd. Designed to bring our community together through the joy of reading.
One District One Book

Remember Intervention Friday

Intervention Friday is part of D91’s efforts to support student success. Teachers review student data to identify learning gaps and adjust instruction or provide interventions. All elementary schools will release students one hour early on Fridays, while middle and high school students with a grade below C or an "I" (incomplete) will have a half day. For questions, please contact your school.

Two images depict children engaged in classroom activities with their teacher guiding them in a learning environment.


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