Dedicated To Excellence In Education
Counseling SecretaryMrs. Nicole Cookcooknico@sd91.org208-525-7750 Ext 1
CounselorMr. Brandon DahleStudents with last names A-Ddahlbran@sd91.org208-525-7750 Ext 3
CounselorMs. Jessica ButlerStudents with last names E-Kbutljess@sd91.org208-525-7750 Ext 4
CounselorMrs. Val RodelStudents with last names L-Rirodevale@sd91.org208-525-7750 Ext 5
CounselorMr. Nick KimmetStudents with last names Ro-Zkimmnick@sd91.org208-525-7750 Ext 6
College and Career AdvisorMs. Yuli Gaticagatiyuli@sd91.org208-525-7750 Ext 7RegistrarMs. Kendra Beaudoinbeaukend@sd91.org208-525-7750 Ext 2
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