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teachers and student

Our Key Objectives

Collaborative Curriculum Development:

Partner with teachers to research and refine core and supplemental instructional materials.

Data-Driven Improvement:

Offer expertise to measure and enhance student learning outcomes.

Guaranteed & Viable Curriculum:

Maintain updated curriculum documents and materials to ensure consistency and accessibility.

kids with teachers
Teacher Support:

Provide resources and training to empower educators in delivering high-quality instruction.

Trimester 1

Sunday, December 1st, at 11:59 PM


Trimester 2

Monday, March 10th, at 11:59 PM


Trimester 3

Monday, June 2nd, at 11:59 PM


Resources for Teachers and Parents

Parent Guide to Curriculum

A comprehensive overview of the curriculum for families.

Curriculum Resources

Teacher Resources

Tools and materials for effective teaching.


Professional Learning Communities to enhance teacher collaboration.

Professional Development

Art & Science of Teaching

TResearch-based frameworks for instructional improvement.

Additional Tools


Evaluate and track student progress.

D91 Course Crosswalk 24-25:

Alignment of courses and standards.

Learning Material Review Form:

Submit feedback or request changes to instructional materials.

student doing assesments

Contact Information