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Helping You Plan for a Secure Future

A team of people dressed in blue shirts and jeans, smiling and engaging in conversation outdoors.

Steps to Retirement

Notify Your Supervisor

If you plan to retire, submit a formal retirement letter to your supervisor or principal as soon as possible. This allows us to begin the process of filling your position.

Request a Retirement Estimate

Six months before your anticipated retirement, contact PERSI or visit their website to request a retirement estimate.

If you have already received a retirement estimate (not an annual account statement) and plan to retire on the specified date, submit a retirement application at least six weeks before retirement.

The minimum retirement age with PERSI to receive a monthly benefit is 55.

Calculate Your Sick Leave Entitlement

The balance of your unused sick leave can be used to continue your benefits.

To calculate your available funds: Divide your unused sick days/hours in half, then multiply that amount by your daily/hourly wage. The result equals the amount available to purchase retiree insurance.

Once this amount is used, you may continue coverage using your retirement funds.

Retirement Benefits & Coverage

Continued Medical, Prescription, Dental, and Life Insurance – Retirees may maintain coverage.
Deferred Insurance Options – Certain plans allow deferment; contact HR for details.
Sick Leave Conversion (Idaho Code 33-1228) – Eligible retirees can convert half
of their unused sick leave into a sick leave account to pay for qualifying
insurance premiums, including group health, vision, prescription drug,
and dental insurance maintained by the district.

Key Resources & Links

403b Retirement Savings Plan– Explore additional retirement savings options.

PERSI – Learn more about your retirement benefits, eligibility, and application process.