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Workers Compensation


Idaho Falls School District #91 provides workers' compensation insurance for all employees. This insurance provides wage loss and medical benefits if you have a job-related injury or illness. State Insurance Fund administers this program. If an injury occurs while in the line of work, whether or not medical attention is needed, an accident report must be filed. This report must be filed within 60 days of the incident.

If medical attention (beyond first-aid) is required due to a Worker’s Compensation accident, the employee must go to:

Doctor with child

Primary Preferred Provider:

Ammon Medical & Urgent Care - 3456 E 17th Street, Suite 125, Ammon, ID

Hours: Monday – Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Preferred Provider (only to be used outside Ammon Urgent Care hours):

REDICARE - 2730 Channing Way, Idaho Falls, ID

Hours: Monday – Sunday 7:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.

If it is a life-threatening injury, the employee should go directly to Idaho Falls Community Hospital emergency room for treatment. All injuries must be reported to the supervisor within the shift of the injury before visiting Ammon Medical & Urgent Care. Human Resource Department should be notified immediately if injuries need medical care. Call 208-525-7510 or text 208-390-4139.