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Professional Development

Peoples are sitting

Our Mission

Professional development in D91 is designed to:

Meet the diverse needs of teachers based on grade levels taught, subject matter, and experience levels.
Enhance teaching practices to improve student outcomes.
Foster a culture of continuous learning and collaboration.
Childrens are rissing hands

Key Areas of Focus

Childrens are studing


High Reliability Schools (HRS)

The Marzano High Reliability Schools™ model identifies five levels that drive student achievement:
Safe and Collaborative Culture
Effective Teaching in Every Classroom
Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
Standards-Referenced Reporting
Competency-Based Education

This proactive framework ensures success by addressing key organizational factors that correlate with student achievement.


The New Art and Science of Teaching

This framework offers a comprehensive approach to lesson and unit planning, focusing on:
Feedback: Providing meaningful and actionable input for students.
Content: Ensuring rigorous and engaging material is taught.
Context: Creating supportive classroom environments that foster learning.
Students are walking
Childrens are listining


Building-Level Professional Development

Tailored by building leadership to address specific needs such as:
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)


Individual Professional Growth

Educators can choose additional professional development opportunities based on their personal strengths and areas of growth.
girl is studing

How We Provide Professional Development


District Professional Development Days
Two (2) professional development days in October.
Four (4) total staff development days, calendared in August and January.
Sessions align with HRS and The New Art and Science of Teaching models.


Weekly Faculty Meetings
Schools may hold a 1-hour faculty meeting each week to provide ongoing development throughout the year.


Ad Hoc Opportunities
Available through in-person and virtual conferences or consultation at the building and district level.


D91 University (D91U)
Optional courses curated by the D91 Curriculum Department.
Teachers earn continuing education credits for recertification.
Examples include courses on Trauma-Informed Practices, MANDT Behavior Management, and Schoology.
Teacher helping student

Resources for Teachers

Professional Development icon

Professional Development Offerings: Explore available sessions and opportunities.

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Transcripts: Access records of completed professional development activities.

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Forms: Find necessary forms for professional development requests.

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PD Offered By Others: Discover external professional development opportunities.

Contact Information