Idaho Falls School District 91 Help Desk
The IT Help Desk provides front-line technical support to all students, faculty and staff at District 91. We are advocates committed to resolving the technology issues affecting students and employees and providing quick solutions.
Are you having a problem with your computer?
Try the following prior to contacting the help desk.
Restart the computer. This often fixes many issues.
Try running your Windows updates.
Open the start menu > Click on Settings (looks like a gear) > Click on Update & Security > Windows Update > Click Check for updates
Allow any found updates to download and install. Restart your computer when prompted.
If you do not find any available updates, within the same Windows Update window click on the Check online for updates from Microsoft link. This may find more updates available for your computer.
Ensure all necessary cables are plugged in securely
If you would like to contact the D91 help desk, call (208)525-7556, or dial extension 50556
Please have your computer number ready for faster service. The number usually has five or six digits. It is typically located on the top of a laptop, or written / etched into the top or side of the equipment.
Your answer may also already be part of our Frequently Asked Questions repository.