• Contact Information

    Director of Student Services

    Andrea Williams

    Admin. Assistant

    Angela Ekker

    Office hours vary, call or email to set up an appointment.

    Student Services
    & Special


    This program strives to provide options for students with disabilities in order for them to participate with their typical peers to the greatest extent possible. Our Student Services Department coordinates special education and section 504 services and accommodations to support students with disabilities to be successful. We work directly with students, classroom teachers and parents to create circles of support to educate the whole student. We are here to help parents navigate our school system and the array of services we offer.

    As a school district, we implement special education services and support with an emphasis on inclusive practices. This means we want students to participate, with the necessary services and support, in their neighborhood schools as much as possible. Our inclusive practices are based on research about including students with disabilities in general education to achieve the best possible social/emotional, academic, and functional independent outcomes.

    Special Education