Director of Finance
Lanell Farmer
Comptroller/Purchasing Agent
Jessica Swartwood
Accounts Payable/Head Bookkeeper
Dawn Meek
Office hours vary, call to set up an appointment.
DepartmentIdaho Falls School District 91’s primary source of funding comes from the state’s general fund. The money, generated from the state sales tax, is allocated to school districts based on a formula that includes the number of students who attend each school each day. Some of the money districts receive from the state is designated for specific purposes such as classroom technology and cannot be spent on other things like teacher salaries or textbooks.
The district also receives money from the federal government. That money is earmarked for specific programs such as child nutrition or providing services to economically and educationally disadvantaged children, children from migrant families and children with special needs. The money has to be used to support those programs and cannot be used for any other purpose.
In addition, school districts can ask patrons to approve levies or bonds to generate money to pay for things like additional staff and programs to enhance instruction, building maintenance and repairs, school buses or technology. Patrons in Idaho Falls School District 91 have long supported a supplemental levy and a plant facilities levy. In 2012, they also approved a $53 million bond to pay for upgrades to school buildings across the district.