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teachers and student

Emergency Drills We Practice


Students and staff practice how to quickly and safely leave the building during emergencies such as a fire or facility hazard.


In the event of an external threat, such as a chemical or radiological incident, students and staff learn how to stay safely indoors.


Hall Checks & Lockdowns

When there is an immediate threat of violence, such as a weapon on campus, students and staff practice securing classrooms and buildings.

Student-Parent Reunification

In cases where evacuation leads to an alternate site, we ensure families are safely reunite

hall checks

Tips for Parents During an Emergency


Be Patient

The first few minutes of an emergency can be chaotic. Reliable information takes time to gather, and we’ll share updates as soon as possible.


Keep Communications Short

If you need to contact your child, text instead of calling. Long phone calls may prevent your child from hearing life-saving instructions. Teach your child to send short, helpful messages like “I am safe” or “We’re being evacuated.”


Rely on Official Updates

Initial reports can be inaccurate. Always refer to updates from official district sources for accurate and reliable information.

Resources for Parents and Students

Emergency Communication and the Importance of School Safety

At Idaho Falls School District 91, the safety and security of our students and staff is our highest priority. In the event of an emergency, our administrators’ primary focus is ensuring everyone’s safety. While we understand the urge to call or visit the school during these situations, such actions can hinder emergency response efforts. Instead, we encourage parents to rely on updates provided through official district channels for accurate and timely information.

We believe that learning thrives in environments where students feel safe and secure. By fostering trust, preparedness, and proactive safety measures, we create a culture of care and vigilance in every school. Together, we can ensure that Idaho Falls School District 91 remains a place where students can learn, grow, and succeed, supported by a strong foundation of safety and community confidence.

School safety